Metaphorical Monday

“An idea is a feat of association, and the height of it is a good metaphor”Robert Frost


Everybody has their thing. You know, that one thing that they thought of, that they do well. We writers — We have our blogs. Some of us call for excerpts or favorite passages. Others for recipes. Some want hero interviews or heroine beauty tips. Others do their marketing news or book reviews.

So I thought, “I need my blog thing.” The one thing that could be a reflection of me.

Well, I thought and I thought. I thought so hard my brain exploded. My eyes bugged out like a stomped-on toad and crossed like the chicken getting to the other side. It was then I realized–I love metaphors or more accurately, similes — but similes don’t provide the same alliteration with Monday that metaphors do(and I also like alliteration but that’ll have to be another day).

So, I thought maybe it would be interesting to see what kind of metaphors, similes and analogies we could come up with on a weekly basis.

In my writing, I use metaphors and similes to create a picture but to also define characters and settings. They are an integral part of my writing. And what’s more, they’re fun. More fun than a naked zebra doing yoga.

So come on. Give me your best, worst, silliest, funniest or strangest metaphors, similes and analogies. They can be from a published work, a work in process or something you thought up when you got here. Bring them on.

I can’t wait to read them.

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About Kary Rader

Kary Rader is a stay-at-home mother of three, avid reader and slave to the characters and worlds inside her head. Always creative, she's drawn to stories with fantastical worlds and creatures. With a little bit of magic and divine guidance, there isn't anything that can't be accomplished. And it's the power of words that creates and destroys. Vanquishing evil and injustice while finding eternal love in the process is all in a day's work. And with the help of her critique partners and master cartographer imaginary places come to life. Come join her for an adventure and maybe you too will be claimed by passion and changed by love. Because there is no greater power than the human spirit and anything is possible if you believe. Let the fantasy begin…


Metaphorical Monday — 15 Comments

  1. Great new weekly segment for your blog! I’m sure it’ll catch on fire and grab everyone’s attention like a naked couple standing on a corner.

  2. This sounds a bit more fun than watching men catch giant catfish by feeding their arms to the mini-shark, but possibly equally as painful. The pressure to perform is crippling, turning my brain into pudding. I think I need to get back to my story where a grown man continues to refer to his penis as ‘trouble-maker’ and talks about its wants and needs as if it is a separate entity, a mischeivious alien that has attached itself to his crotch. That I can deal with. But not metaphors. Unless you want them abused. Then I’m your gal: Liza, the Grim Reaper of Metaphors.

  3. Okay, the only time I can’t think of any is right now! LOL But my husband is fond of saying, “Don’t squat with your spurs on!”
    Fantastic new segment, Kary.

  4. Cool idea!
    I can’t really think right now because my damn house is colder than the Wicked Witch of The North’s tit. Or it could be the fact I’m one brick short of a load.

    • Ella – that’s a great example and very fitting for your story! Normally metaphors/similes take two unrelated things – so yours shows the vast difference between the classes of English society during that period. Great job!

  5. Ha, I can’t think of one now off the top of my head, but this totally makes me think of those Geico commercials. You know, “Geico makes you happier than Eddie Money with his own travel agency,” – those ones. You know, cause he has “two tickets to paradise”. Great post. 🙂